Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011


Transverse Wave

Transverse wave is a wave that has a direction perpendicular to the direction of propagation of vibration. A wave consists of a valley and a hill, such as rippling water waves, the yarn is vibrated, etc..

Examples of transverse waves are waves on a string. Wave vibration direction is vertical, while rambatnva horizontal direction so that the direction of vibration and the direction rambatnva satins.

Transverse waves propagating in a solid medium for these waves requires a medium that is relatively stiff to merambatkan vibration energy. If the propagating medium is rigid, medium particles will each slide. Thus, transverse waves can not propagate in a fluid medium (liquid and gas).

transverse wave

Transverse wave can be obtained by drawing a slinki in the horizontal direction, then vibrate the tip slinki upwards and downwards, the vibration energy is moved from one end to the other and formed a wave. At the time of vibrational energy to move, the medium where waves propagate upward and downward so that the motion of the medium is perpendicular to the wave motion.

Terms in the transverse wave:

Ø wave peak is the highest point on the wave (eg b and f)

Ø Primary waves are the lowest points on the wave (eg, d and h)

Ø hill or wave is the arch OBC efg

Ø Valley is the wave basin CDE or ghi

Ø Amplitude (A) is the largest deviation absolute value that can be achieved by a particle (eg, b or d d1 b1)

Ø Wavelength (?) Is the distance between two consecutive peaks (eg bf) or the distance between two consecutive base (eg dh)

Sources : http://ww.google.com